Solar Stories

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Pacific Power’s Public Safety Power Shutoff Program

Pacific Power’s Public Safety Power Shutoff Program

In recent years, the increased risk of wildfires has prompted the utility company serving Southern Oregon, Pacific Power, to implement their Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program to protect communities and infrastructure. While these shutoffs are essential for public safety, they can be highly disruptive, leaving homes and businesses without power for hours or even

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Summer True South Solar intern Kalen Gibbs

Meet Team Member Kalen

When did you first start thinking about solar? I began to think about solar when I learned about renewable energy sources in elementary school. The various options available captivated me. What’s your favorite thing to do in the sun? Play any type of sport that’s on a grass field. What brought you to TSS? I arrived

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A welder at work. Southern Oregon Businesses are eligible for incentives to keepm the power on during a blackout.

Energy Storage Incentives for Businesses

Beginning July 1, The Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) has made battery storage incentives available for all commercial Pacific Power customers. This is great news for our commercial customers who would like to add battery storage to their plans for installing solar on their buildings. As an ETO solar trade ally, True South Solar has

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True South Solar panels installed on a residential home

What is the Best Medford Solar Company in 2024?

There are a lot of solar installation companies that operate in Medford–and throughout Southern Oregon. Some companies offer services like the installation of solar panels, wiring, and connection to the power meter for residences. Other companies offer solar panel installation, along with backup battery solutions. A solar energy system for your home or business is

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Installing Solar Panels on a home in Southern Oregon

Does having solar on your home increase its value?

Many people ask us about the value of solar. Beside reducing your power bill, does adding solar to the home increase the home’s value? The simple answer is yes, absolutely! Having solar on your home increases its value, particularly in Oregon, for the following reasons:  If you ever plan to sell a home where you’ve installed

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Chevy Silverado EV charging at home with V2 bi-directional charging

Exploring Vehicle to Home (V2H) Energy Solutions

As the world moves towards more sustainable energy solutions, Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) technology is emerging as a game-changer. V2H enables electric vehicles to serve as backup power sources for homes, enhancing energy security and sustainability. At True South Solar, we are excited about the potential of V2H and it’s ability to work alongside Tesla Powerwall to

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Plan ahead so that you have peace of mind with Tesla Powerwall

The Benefits of Home Battery Storage: Energy Independence and Savings

As more homeowners turn to renewable energy solutions, the role of home battery storage systems has become increasingly significant. At True South Solar, we believe that harnessing the power of the sun goes beyond just installing solar panels; it’s about creating a complete energy solution that offers both independence and financial benefits. In this blog

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The QCells solar panel factory in Dalton, Georgia.

Closing the Loop: Solar Panel Recycling Program Launches

We often hear from our clients, “Can solar panels be recycled?” This is an issue that we care about deeply, but until recently, we have not seen a very significant effort to address. Just recently, we have seen some significant progress in solar panel recycling. One notable development we at True South Solar are excited about involves

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Friends of the Cascade Siskiyou National Monument gather for a beaver hunt in June 2024

Hunting for Beavers in the Monument

The Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument held a Beaver Scavenger Hunt on Saturday June 1. It was a wild success! Thanks to a crew of about 50 nature-loving volunteers ages 19 – 80 years, the group surveyed more than 12 miles of creeks and streams in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (CSNM) looking for beaver sign.

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Tesla Powerwall can power your home at night after the sun goes down

Are there incentives to help pay for home energy storage?

YES! Understanding Incentives for Home Energy Storage Systems As more homeowners in Southern Oregon look to enhance their energy independence, home energy storage systems like Tesla Powerwall are becoming increasingly popular. These systems not only provide backup power during outages but also help in managing energy costs more effectively. Thankfully, several incentives are available to

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The True South Solar crew at a ground-mounted solar array installed in May 2024.

Is Home Storage Worth the Extra Investment?

In recent years, home energy storage systems have gained significant attention as a means to optimize the benefits of solar energy. As the technology advances, homeowners are increasingly asking: “Is home storage worth the extra investment?” At True South Solar, we believe the answer is a resounding yes. Here’s why. Maximizing Solar Energy Utilization Solar

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How to Clean Solar Panels

How to Clean Solar Panels

Solar panels can accumulate dirt, dust, pollen, bird droppings and ash in summer in Southern Oregon. Typically, the rain and snow will naturally clean your solar array in the winter and spring months. That is one of the reasons we always recommend installing panels with even a modest tilt angle. However, summers of smoke and

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