Solar + Storage

Solar + Storage is a great way to achieve peace of mind. If the power goes out, you can make use of your solar system to power your home alongside a storage solution like Tesla Powerwall.

Pacific Power’s Public Safety Power Shutoff Program

Pacific Power’s Public Safety Power Shutoff Program

In recent years, the increased risk of wildfires has prompted the utility company serving Southern Oregon, Pacific Power, to implement their Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program to protect communities and infrastructure. While these shutoffs are essential for public safety, they can be highly disruptive, leaving homes and businesses without power for hours or even… Read in Browser >>

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Chevy Silverado EV charging at home with V2 bi-directional charging

Exploring Vehicle to Home (V2H) Energy Solutions

As the world moves towards more sustainable energy solutions, Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) technology is emerging as a game-changer. V2H enables electric vehicles to serve as backup power sources for homes, enhancing energy security and sustainability. At True South Solar, we are excited about the potential of V2H and it’s ability to work alongside Tesla Powerwall to

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Plan ahead so that you have peace of mind with Tesla Powerwall

The Benefits of Home Battery Storage: Energy Independence and Savings

As more homeowners turn to renewable energy solutions, the role of home battery storage systems has become increasingly significant. At True South Solar, we believe that harnessing the power of the sun goes beyond just installing solar panels; it’s about creating a complete energy solution that offers both independence and financial benefits. In this blog

The Benefits of Home Battery Storage: Energy Independence and Savings Read More »

Tesla Powerwall can power your home at night after the sun goes down

Are there incentives to help pay for home energy storage?

YES! Understanding Incentives for Home Energy Storage Systems As more homeowners in Southern Oregon look to enhance their energy independence, home energy storage systems like Tesla Powerwall are becoming increasingly popular. These systems not only provide backup power during outages but also help in managing energy costs more effectively. Thankfully, several incentives are available to

Are there incentives to help pay for home energy storage? Read More »

The True South Solar crew at a ground-mounted solar array installed in May 2024.

Is Home Storage Worth the Extra Investment?

In recent years, home energy storage systems have gained significant attention as a means to optimize the benefits of solar energy. As the technology advances, homeowners are increasingly asking: “Is home storage worth the extra investment?” At True South Solar, we believe the answer is a resounding yes. Here’s why. Maximizing Solar Energy Utilization Solar

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Tesla Powerwall 3 installed in a garage.

Does Tesla Powerwall Work With a Whole Home Backup Generator?

The Tesla Powerwall 3 fully integrated home backup system is an incredibly popular option for homeowners looking to add backup power and maximize their solar energy usage. But what if you already have or are considering installing a whole home generator for backup power? Can the two systems work together? The short answer is yes,

Does Tesla Powerwall Work With a Whole Home Backup Generator? Read More »

Tesla Powerwall at a home in Southern Oregon

Understanding Tesla Powerwall: What it Can and Cannot Backup

Are you considering investing in Tesla Powerwall for your home or business? We are seeing a growing interest in energy storage solutions, and Tesla Powerwall 3 is the best storage solution on the market. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at Tesla Powerwall and discuss what it can and cannot back up. What

Understanding Tesla Powerwall: What it Can and Cannot Backup Read More »