Mike Goglin: Meet Our Team

Mike G - a member of the True South Solar team

Q: What is your role on the True South Solar team?

My role at True South Solar is a solar installer. I am a Limited Renewable Technician which is a renewable energy-specific electrical license. I also moonlight as an install crew leader and underwear model.

Q: What’s your favorite part of the job?

One of my favorite parts of my job is working outside. We live in a beautiful place and working outside reminds me of that daily. This job takes me to parts of the valley I wouldn’t visit otherwise and that’s cool too.

Q: What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned since joining the team?

One lesson I have learned working here is that haste makes waste. When performing most tasks, taking your time and thinking things all the way through and doing it right the first time will save you time in the end by avoiding mistakes.

Q: When did you first start thinking about solar?

I first started thinking about solar as a career about six years ago. I had been working as a leisure consultant for about 14 years and I was way over it. Solar was really starting to blow up and I saw the writing on the wall. And now here I am.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do in the sun?

My favorite thing to do in the sun is whitewater kayak. Although when the paddling is at its best it’s not usually sunny. I’ve been kayaking for over 20 years now and this job supports my habit.