Special Message Regarding SunPower

True South Solar was once a Sunpower exclusive dealer

SunPower recently informed True South Solar and the general public that it has applied for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as it restructures its business. We were an exclusive SunPower solar panel installer in the Rogue Valley for nearly a decade. Over that period, our company installed thousands of SunPower solar panels on homes and businesses in Southern Oregon. This post will help you understand what options you have to ensure continued reliability and warranty coverage for your SunPower system.

SunPower Warranty Information and Resources

Thank you for your patience as we learn more about SunPower’s future. The company recently issued another statement regarding its situation, along with a list of frequently asked questions. Hopefully, the following information will help allay your concerns:

Many of us are also SunPower customers

About a third of the employees at True South Solar have SunPower systems on their roof. As a long-time partner with SunPower, we all continue to believe we have the best solar panels that were available when we purchased our systems. While we rarely install SunPower panels today, we are confident that they will last 25-40 years. In our time with SunPower, we have not had very many warranty claims for their panels. We have replaced a number of their microinverters.

Chapter 11 is an Opportunity to Come Back

SunPower will never be the same as it was prior to their Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. Market conditions (high interest rates and the new California net metering policy – NEM3) made their business model untenable. However, the solar industry overall is very healthy, so we assume that investors will look favorably at Sunpower and want to bring it back in an altered fashion. This recently happened with another one of our partners.

The solar industry is innovating and growing. As such, there will be growing pains. This is one of them. Fortunately, none of our customers will be left hanging with an inoperable solar system. We will be able to get parts to make repairs, should problems arise.

Other Companies are Stepping In to Help


Enphase, the producer of Sunpower Microinverters, has offered to retrofit SunPower systems should their monitoring platform be lost to the process. From Enphase:

SunPower systems connect to a proprietary monitoring platform and the mySunPower app. Whether powered by Enphase or not, SunPower systems can be modified to communicate with the Enphase Monitoring Platform and the Enphase App by adding an IQ Gateway and current transformers to measure both production and consumption. Consumption current transformers will not be installed if site rework is required, including wiring, additional conduit, or a panel upgrade.

Enphase has also offered to assist with microinverter warranty replacements.


Maxeon, the manufacturer of SunPower’s solar panels, has also stepped in to assure Sunpower customers. From Maxeon:

In response to SunPower Corporation’s filing for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11, Maxeon confirms that it will provide support for SunPower-branded solar panels made by Maxeon and installed by a SunPower dealer prior to August 5th, 2024. For homeowners who purchased SunPower systems and are concerned about the status of their product warranty, we are providing an updated letter with warranty coverage and registration information with Maxeon.  For Maxeon Preferred Partners, Maxeon will provide warranty support for SunPower-branded solar panels made by Maxeon and installed through October 31st, 2024. This support covers solar panels you have received prior to SunPower’s bankruptcy announcement on August 5th.

For our SunPower customers: Most SunPower panels were manufactured by Maxeon. Maxeon is offering ongoing warranty support, but you need to register with them directly. Please do so on their website by December 31, 2024. [Note: You can access your solar panel serial numbers within the mySunPower smartphone app.]

Complete Solaria

Complete Solaria is a solar solutions provider led by T.J. Rodgers, a former executive with SunPower. Complete Solaria is the Stalking Horse Bidder for SunPower’s Dealer network business. At the end of this process, the Company expects the assets included in the Asset Purchase Agreement to operate as a new company.

Ultimately, True South Solar is Here for You

Thank you for entrusting True South. We chose to partner with SunPower over a decade ago because they offered a superior product and warranty service. While the original company has undergone significant changes, we feel confident that we will be able to address any problems that arise with your solar electric system.