Meet The Team- Rianna Kopel

Rianna Koppel - a member of the True South Solar team

Meet Rianna Kopel, a member of the True South Solar team. She is a solar administrator.

When did you first start thinking about solar?

I have been inspired by sustainability at Maharishi International University in my hometown. This community has been invested in solar and permaculture for decades. In 2018, MIU installed a 1.1 MW array, supplying one third of the University’s electricity.

What’s your favorite thing to do in the sun?

I love tending garden landscapes. This year I had a successful potato harvest and lots of sunflowers, kale, and chard.

What brought you to TSS?

I’m finishing my degree in Environmental Science and Policy at SOU. About two years ago, for a class assignment I was asked to look up environmental career jobs. I looked up jobs in renewable energy, and quickly realized that I needed to start working in the field. I asked Eric for a part-time job in solar administration and policy and have been at True South Solar ever since. I’ve been able to learn permitting and help guide Medford’s Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Plan on a steering committee.

What are you most looking forward to while working here?

I look forward to learning from every department, from sales and marketing to technical design and crew leads on the roof. Our entire team is an incredible resource.

What do you see for the future of solar?

Today, solar makes up less than 3% of the electricity resource mix for my utility in Southern Oregon. I think the future of solar means 100%, plus battery storage! I want to see that 3% reach double digits for our region.

Learn about how Rianna helps you go solar!