Meet Team Member Daniel

True South Solar team member Daniel Cervantes

Meet Daniel Cervantes, a member of our installation crew. You can see him smiling on rooftops around Southern Oregon.

What got you interested in working in the solar field?

My interest in the solar field stems from a strong commitment to sustainability and a desire to contribute to a cleaner, greener future through solar energy.

What is your favorite activity to do in the sun?

Exploring new hunting spots and casting a line for a good catch are my go-to activities. There’s something thrilling about discovering fresh spots and the anticipation of what each expedition might bring.

What are you most looking forward to while working at TSS?

I’m excited about discovering the secrets of solar energy at TSS, getting hands-on experience to understand how it operates. Joining this captivating journey into sustainable power is something I look forward to.

What do you see for the future of solar?

Solar’s future looks sunny and promising. It will become more common, work even better, and play a big part in making our energy greener.